Minerals for the most part are good for the human body. That goes without saying. We all need a fine balance of nutrients and minerals in order for our bodies to maintain a good level of functionality. However, too many minerals is never a good thing.
Wondering where this post is going? It’s going straight to your sink, shower, and water bottle.
Every house equipped with a water softener needs it refilled with salt every so often for it to work. How do you know if your water softener is working though? Even if it has enough salt in it, you might run into some problems you didn’t know were there.
Here are a couple ways to tell if hard water is coming out of your faucets:
- Damaged Appliances -- For instance, your dishwasher not working like it should be? If you’re finding that it’s been leaking, it might not be the dishwasher itself, but your water.
When you pump hard water into your dishwasher, the accumulated mineral buildup will cake itself into your dishwasher, on the walls, and even on the sealant. When this happens, water can leak, causes mild damages, or deep issues such as toxic mold buildup.
This can also happen to your washing machine, refrigerator, ice makers, etc.
- Unusually Dry Skin -- While dry skin is quite normal in Arizona, it might not be due to just the hot, dry climate. It could also be due to hard water.
Hard water is known to leave a soapy film on the things it comes in contact with, meaning that every time you take a shower in water with excess minerals, your skin is subject to that leftover film, which sucks the natural oils out of your skin, making it drier than usual.